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A Scan - DGH 5000e |


A-Scan unit with graphic display and IOL
power calculation software. All A-scans and
A-Scan/Pachymeter combination units include
firmware module with SRK II, SRKT,
Holladay Dioptimum and Binkhorst II
formulas. All model DGH 5000e and DGH 5100e
are equipped with corneal compression
detection software reducing the possibility
of short readings.
The only A-Scan in the world with corneal
compression detection software!
Standard Features:
Multiple doctor configurations
Live waveform display
Consistent, operator independent
Proprietary pattern recognition algorithm
eliminates corneal compression readings
Intuitive, user friendly interface
SRK/T, SRK II, Holladay, Binkhorst II
Stores programmable data for eight IOLs
Internal graphics printer
Solid tip, 3mm diameter probe
Audible guidance to axial alignment
Automatic and manual gain control modes
Automatic measurements - no foot switch
Can be upgraded to add Pachymetry
An upgrade of a water immersion option,
using the Prager Shell is available on all
Model DGH 5000es and DGH 5100es
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